There are a few options to chat on mig33. You can choose to chat in private with the friends in your contact or go to a public chatroom.
Alternatively you can also chat with your friends on 3rd party IMs or invite them to mig33.
- To chat with your friend, go to your contact list > pick a friends > Menu > Private Chat

Or to chat in a public room, scroll to the “Chat Rooms” tab and pick a room.

You can enter the room as long as the maximum capacity has not been reached. Chat Rooms provides venue for our users to gather together, to chat and meet new friends from all over the world. In mig33 there are public rooms where users can enter and private rooms where users create to have their own little talks.To do a search for a room, just go to the “Chat Rooms” tab > Menu > Search Rooms
- Enter the name of the room you’re looking for (spelling must be accurate) > Search

- Enter your prefered room name and configure the settings to your liking.

Mig level 10 is needed for you to be able to create new chatrooms. The higher your migLevel, the larger the room becomes.
A common chatroom or lobby is a default chatroom that is linked to your new group.Group owners / moderators can link/unlimited chatrooms to their groups.Once the chatroom is linked, only group members can join and chat. To link your chatroom, login to mig33 > go to Menu > Groups and Find your existing group > select Chatrooms then choose the option - Link/unlink

You can edit your chatroom settings through your mobile > “Chat Rooms” > pick the room you own > Menu > Room Info (only through phone) > from here you can choose to configure the following:

While you’re on private chat with the abuser, go to Menu > Block & Mute User.

Blocking a user is the fastest and most efficient way to stop someone who is causing trouble.
To remove users that you may have blocked accidentally, login to mig33 > Menu > Settings (only through phone) > Privacy > Manage Block List > Select user > Unblock/Unblock All

You cannot delete a chatroom that you’ve created however if the room remains inactive for 3 months, it will be automatically removed from our system.
Alternatively you can also chat with your friends on 3rd party IMs or invite them to mig33.
- To chat with your friend, go to your contact list > pick a friends > Menu > Private Chat
Or to chat in a public room, scroll to the “Chat Rooms” tab and pick a room.
You can enter the room as long as the maximum capacity has not been reached. Chat Rooms provides venue for our users to gather together, to chat and meet new friends from all over the world. In mig33 there are public rooms where users can enter and private rooms where users create to have their own little talks.To do a search for a room, just go to the “Chat Rooms” tab > Menu > Search Rooms
- Enter the name of the room you’re looking for (spelling must be accurate) > Search
You can even create your own chat room by going to the “Chat Rooms” tab > Menu > Create Room.
- Enter your prefered room name and configure the settings to your liking.
Mig level 10 is needed for you to be able to create new chatrooms. The higher your migLevel, the larger the room becomes.
A common chatroom or lobby is a default chatroom that is linked to your new group.Group owners / moderators can link/unlimited chatrooms to their groups.Once the chatroom is linked, only group members can join and chat. To link your chatroom, login to mig33 > go to Menu > Groups and Find your existing group > select Chatrooms then choose the option - Link/unlink
You can edit your chatroom settings through your mobile > “Chat Rooms” > pick the room you own > Menu > Room Info (only through phone) > from here you can choose to configure the following:
While you’re on private chat with the abuser, go to Menu > Block & Mute User.
Blocking a user is the fastest and most efficient way to stop someone who is causing trouble.
To remove users that you may have blocked accidentally, login to mig33 > Menu > Settings (only through phone) > Privacy > Manage Block List > Select user > Unblock/Unblock All
You cannot delete a chatroom that you’ve created however if the room remains inactive for 3 months, it will be automatically removed from our system.
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